Dog hotel
If you want your dog to spend the time in the same comfort and love as if she were at home with you, we recommend our boarding service to you!
How should you image?
- We board your dog in our own home with our family. So we treat him/her like a real family member.
- Our dogs are neither kept separately nor kept in crates. We accommodate them just as they live at home.
- We only accept a small number of dogs, so if you already know the time of your travel, book your dog's appointment as soon as possible!
- If our trainer, with whom your dog is staying, is assigned to daycare, she/he will take your dog with him/her. This will not be an extra cost for you, it is included in the price of the hotel service.
If the boarding trainer has a day off, he/she takes care of your dog at home, or if the circumstances allow, he/she takes your dog for long walks or hikes. If you don't want the latter for any reason, let the trainer know!
- We can only board potty trained dogs. If it turns out during the boarding that your dog is not potty trained, we will charge an extra fee in proportion to the inconvenience and damage caused.
- We can only accept social and friendly dogs with humans and other dogs too.
- If we do not know your dog from daycare or training, a trial day (and night) will definitely be necessary before we say yes to the boarding for longer period.
- We can only board vaccinated and dewormed dogs and we always check the vaccination book! (Mandatory vaccinations to be renewed annually: rabies vaccination, combined vaccination. Additionally recommended: kennel cough vaccination)
- 7500 HUF / started calendar day (means if your dog starts the dog hotel on Friday for example and you pick him/her up Sunday morning, we will charge 3 started day)